Trafficking (Powell Book 1) Page 2
She tried to recall who at home had got her into this mess. Her friend knew a boy she had met in a club, who had a friend who found jobs in England. She had met someone called Dorin and it took only ten days to make the arrangements. She needed to warn her friends about Dorin. It had all been too easy to organise and that was the clue, nothing worthwhile in life ever came so easy. She should have asked more questions and made more checks. Any checks would have been a good idea! She had acted like a complete fool because of her desperation to come to England.
When she emerged from the bathroom she felt refreshed.
Stefan was on his computer. “Put on a nice dress,” he instructed. “You have your first customer coming in an hour.”
Afina was shocked by the revelation she had only an hour before she was expected to have sex with a complete stranger. She had thought it would only be at night she was expected to be Stefan’s whore. She had hoped to sneak away during the day before any further demands were made of her body.
She said nothing but retreated to her room. She checked her watch and was surprised to find it was already eleven. She had slept late and her appointment was probably for midday. She realised there could be no escape in the next hour. What would this stranger expect of her? What would he look like? She needed to prepare but what should she wear? Too many unnecessary questions, she was driving herself mad. She needed to get a grip.
Afina decided to wear a simple black dress as it would be easier to remove than jeans. Her white underwear was new and surely any man would find her attractive with her dress removed. She spent some time brushing her hair and doing her makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror. He would not be disappointed with how she looked. She had to focus on doing everything to make Stefan happy so she could escape. She would think about that while she let this stranger fuck her.
Afina returned to the living room where Stefan was still staring at his computer. “I’m hungry. Can I make something to eat?” she asked.
“You look great,” Stefan said, looking up from his computer. “There’s some eggs in the fridge and bread on the side. Make us some eggs on toast.”
Afina made the food and some fresh coffee. As they sat to eat, Stefan’s phone rang. He answered and she understood by Stefan’s replies that the caller was asking about her availability. She heard Stefan say that she provided all services, which made her almost choke on her breakfast.
“You are going to be very popular,” Stefan said, as he put his phone down on the table and resumed eating. “You will soon pay off what you owe me and be making good money for yourself.”
“What am I expected to do for these men?” Afina asked, working hard to control the anger and revulsion she was feeling.
“You give them sex and a blowjob. For sex they must wear a condom. They pay for your time. The minimum is thirty minutes. Most men stay an hour. If they want anal sex they must pay extra but I will tell you if they have paid for extras.”
Afina was wondering if Stefan thought she was a complete idiot or did she have slut written on her forehead in large letters? Did he really expect her to just accept becoming his whore? From what Dimitry had said, it was obvious there had been other girls before her. What had happened to them? Had they been allowed to leave once their debt was repaid? She was left with an uneasy feeling.
Afina glanced around the apartment looking for evidence of other girls but could see nothing. Her eyes settled on the door leading to freedom. She had already come to the conclusion that the layout of the apartment made escape extremely difficult. The outside door from the hallway led into the living space of kitchen and lounge. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom which all led from the living space. The apartment was on the third floor so jumping from a window wasn’t an option. The only escape was through the front door but that required getting past Stefan.
She had asked about food, planning to offer to go shopping and then disappear but Stefan had explained the supermarket delivered a standard order every Friday so that was another dead avenue. She had asked him to add a few things she liked to the shopping list, which she hoped would make him think she had accepted she would not be leaving.
She thought her best chance of escape would be at night when Stefan was asleep in the other bedroom, which meant she had to be strong and get through the day. She carried the plates to the sink and then went to her room to prepare for her visitor. She once again had started to wonder what he would be like. Hopefully nothing like Dimitry. Was it possible he might even help her if she told him of her plight? She decided that would be a bad idea. He might indeed be a friend of Stefan and this could be a further test. Her mind turned to what he would expect sexually. She hoped he wouldn’t want anal sex. Despite having enjoyed it in the past, after her experience with Dimitry, she didn’t fancy having it again so quickly.
She heard a knock at the door and Stefan greeting someone. She had intentionally left her bedroom door ajar so she could hear what was said.
“How long do you want to stay?” Stefan asked. “Prices start at sixty pounds for half an hour and it’s one hundred pounds for an hour.”
“An hour please,” came the response in a mature English voice without accent.
It was an Englishman, Afina was quite certain. She wasn’t entirely sure why but she was pleased he wasn’t Romanian. She had never had an Englishman before. In fact, she had only ever had sex with Romanians. At school she had learned about English gentlemen. They were polite and wouldn’t behave like Dimitry.
“Afina, come out here, please. You have a visitor,” Stefan called out pleasantly.
As Afina walked into the lounge she saw the stranger for the first time. He was older than she had expected. In fact he was old enough to be her father. He was dressed very smartly in a striped, blue suit and looked like a businessman. His hair was short and grey. She relaxed a little. He did not look like a man who would want to hurt her.
He turned towards her and a large smile crossed his face.
“Hello,” she said. “I am Afina.”
“You’re gorgeous,” the man replied.
“Thank you.”
“An hour,” Stefan said simply.
Afina led him back to her room and closed the door.
Afina lay on her bed thinking about the last few hours. It was four in the afternoon. Sex with the businessman had been easier than she had anticipated. He had been very undemanding and allowed her to take charge. At first she had tried to block her mind to feeling anything but the familiar sensations had stirred a little when he went down on her and though it was not great sex, it had not been entirely unpleasant.
Although the man had paid for one hour, the sex only lasted half the time and then he had sat beside her on the bed and talked about his work and his family. She was tempted to ask for his help but thought it too risky. He almost certainly would be married and wouldn’t want to get involved with the police and risk having his secret visit to a whore discovered, so she said nothing.
When the man left, Afina heard Stefan ask him if everything was okay and she was pleased he had answered very positively. He planned to come again soon. He won’t be coming with me anytime soon, she smiled to herself. I’m out of here tonight.
Stefan had informed her there was another customer for her arriving in ten minutes. She had showered and was ready for him. She once again heard the knock at the door. He was ten minutes early. She was shocked when she heard a female voice coming from the next room. She had never had sex with a girl.
“Afina, come out here,” Stefan called out.
She walked apprehensively into the lounge.
“This is Mara,” Stefan introduced the new girl. “She will be working with you. The next customer always has two girls.”
Mara was wearing just red underwear and with her dark tan and long black hair looked quite stunning.
“Hello,” Afina said with a friendly smile. She was happy to meet another girl from back home.
r /> “New girl?” Mara asked, turning to Stefan and ignoring Afina.
“Very new but she shows promise.”
“Just do whatever I tell you,” Mara said in an unfriendly voice.
Afina was shocked by Mara’s cold attitude. She wondered what the relationship was between her and Stefan. She didn’t have long to dwell on the thought as there was a further knock at the door.
Stefan opened the door and a large, muscular man entered. He looked mid-thirties and was wearing smart designer clothes. There was a strange jagged scar on his thick neck. He had an air of importance. Certainly Stefan seemed extra respectful in his welcome.
“Good to see you again, Victor,” Stefan said, shaking his hand.
“And you, Stefan.” He turned towards Mara and gave her a kiss on each cheek. “Hello, Mara.” Then he stood in front of Afina and looked her up and down. “So this is the new girl. She looks good.”
Afina could immediately detect the Romanian accent.
“Her name’s Afina,” Stefan replied. “She is very good.”
Victor was staring Afina in the eyes. “So are you good?” he asked after a moment.
“You can decide after I fuck you,” Afina said quietly but clearly, returning his stare.
“I think I am going to like this one,” Victor said, turning towards Stefan. “She has spirit. I like spirit in a girl. It makes for an interesting challenge to tame such a girl.”
“Afina, why don’t you take Victor to your room? I will join you in a minute.” Mara suggested.
Afina led the way to her room, thinking she was no bloody wild animal that needed taming, even though she was now living in what seemed like a cage. Once in the room she turned to face Victor. She pulled her dress up over her body to reveal lacy, matching white underwear, she had purchased especially for her trip to England.
“Very nice,” Victor said admiringly.
Mara entered carrying something under her arm. Afina’s view of exactly what she placed on the floor was obstructed by Victor.
“Shall we start?” Victor asked.
“Afina, take off your underwear and lie on your stomach on the bed,” Mara commanded.
Afina did as instructed. Victor removed his clothes and climbed on the bed, kneeling on either side of Afina’s back, pinning her to the bed. He massaged her shoulders a little then took both her hands in his.
Afina noticed a naked Mara at the side of the bed and then felt her clamp the handcuffs around her wrist. Mara stretched her hand towards the corner of the bed and she felt the handcuffs being attached to a metal ring bolted into the corner of the bed, which she hadn’t previously noted. Afina was nervous but could do nothing with Victor’s weight on her back. Next, Mara handcuffed her other hand to the other corner of the bed. At the same time she felt Victor kissing her neck and relaxed a little.
Afina felt a loop encircling each ankle and both of her legs were secured so she was spread-eagled on the bed. The position was mildly uncomfortable but she was more concerned by her vulnerability than her physical discomfort.
Victor placed the only chair in the room next to the bed, close to Afina’s face and sat down. She looked at him uncertain what was going to happen next. She had her first view of his cock and she was pleased to see he certainly was no Dimitry.
Victor gently stroked her cheek. “Mara is going to beat you now,” he said in a soothing voice. “After each stroke I want you to count the strokes.”
It took a second for what he had said to sink in and then Afina desperately tried to free her arms and legs but she was securely held. The stinging pain from a cane on her bottom made her body jerk off the bed. “Stop,” she screamed. “Please don’t.”
“This is your last warning,” Victor warned. “Count the strokes. If you don’t do this properly we will start your twenty strokes again until you get it right.”
Afina felt the pain of another stroke on her bottom. “Why are you doing this to me,” she screamed. “Let me out of here.”
“Behave yourself and count the strokes,” Victor said sharply. “We will begin again.”
Afina realised she was only making matters worse by not doing as instructed. She counted out loud after each of the strokes. For seven strokes she was silent but then the pain became too much to bear. She screamed out in pain after each blow before counting the number out loud.
After twenty strokes, she prayed he would not change his mind and there would be no further pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was whimpering.
“Well done,” Victor said. “That is enough for today. Now I would like to cum.”
She noticed his average sized cock was now standing rigid, excited by what he had seen. He placed it against her lips and she obediently opened her mouth to allow him inside. She lay with her head sideways on the pillow while he thrust into her mouth. In just a couple of minutes he grunted and she felt him explode in her mouth.
“Swallow everything,” he commanded.
Afina did as she was told. She was too scared of him to resist. She just wanted this ordeal to be over.
“Thank you, Afina. I look forward to seeing you again soon,” Victor said, reaching for his clothes. “You show great promise. We will soon have you taking fifty strokes.”
Afina was feeling very weak, almost faint. She felt Victor kiss her on the cheek and then heard the door to the bedroom opening and closing.
Her legs were freed and then her arms.
“Don’t move, I have some cream to put on your bottom. It will help with the pain,” Mara said kindly.
Afina was too shocked to move. She felt the cream being applied and it did soothe her skin.
“Take these,” Mara said, offering three pills. “They will also help with the pain.”
Afina was recovering her strength. She sat up and swallowed the pills with a swig from a bottle of water, Mara offered.
“How could you do that to me?” Afina asked.
“I’m sorry but if I don’t do it one of the men will and they are a lot harder.”
“Why didn’t you warn me what you were going to do?”
“There is simply no way of preparing you for that. It’s best this way. Otherwise you would have refused and fought us and then Victor would have given you thirty strokes or more even.”
Afina was surprised by the change in Mara. She was no longer cold and unfriendly.
“I can’t stay here,” Afina announced. “Help me escape. I don’t belong here.”
“I can’t.”
“Please,” Afina begged.
“You mustn’t try and run away,” Mara cautioned. “They will catch you and make you regret the day you were born. I have seen these men take a knife to a girl.” She shuddered at the memory.
“Why are you different?” Afina asked. “You are free to come and go. You get to beat me not be beaten. Why?”
“I am useful to him.”
“Are you his girlfriend?”
“Stefan doesn’t have girlfriends. Not in the way you mean. He just has women he fucks when he feels like it.”
“How are you useful to him?” Afina asked.
“That is not your business,” Mara snapped. “You ask too many questions.”
“I am not staying here,” Afina said with conviction. “I would rather die than live this life.”
“And you will wish you are dead if they catch you trying to escape. You don’t want to give Victor or Dimitry an excuse to enjoy themselves. Let me warn you also that Stefan locks the downstairs door every night before going to bed. Only he has the key so there is no escape.”
“Where do you live?” Afina asked.
“Downstairs?” Afina queried.
“Yes. Stefan owns the whole building. He and Dimitry have a number of girls living in the different apartments. I live one floor down.”
Afina was disappointed to hear everyone in the building worked for Stefan. It would make escape harder.
“Stefan obvi
ously thinks you’re special,” Mara said. “Only the special girls get to stay in his apartment. He must have big plans for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve said enough. You should go take a shower and clean up. I need to get back downstairs.”
Mara moved towards the door. “I’ll see you around,” she said and then was gone.
Afina waited a few minutes, thinking about the last forty eight hours. It was difficult to believe how her life had changed in such a short time. She knew with absolute certainty she was prepared to do anything to escape. She would even be prepared to kill Stefan if necessary. Of course, that was easier said than done.
She took a look at her rear in the mirror and was shocked by what she saw. There were large raw looking welts covering her bottom. She was going to be black and blue tomorrow and sitting was going to be uncomfortable. Mara had beaten her hard but she was correct when she said a beating from a man would be far worse. Maybe Mara wasn’t such a bitch after all. Anyway, Afina doubted Mara had much choice in delivering the beating. Afina couldn’t imagine any girl saying no to the likes of Stefan or Victor when they demanded something.
She needed a shower or perhaps for a change she would soak in a bath. Most importantly, she needed to brush her teeth and get the stench of Victor out of her mouth.
Stefan was again at his computer when she entered the lounge.
“Mara said you did good,” Stefan said. “Victor only visits us a couple of times a month and he likes a variety of girls.”
Afina ignored him and went straight to the bathroom. She locked the door and started to run a bath. She went to the widow and looked out. It wasn’t ideal but this was going to have to be her escape route.
Afina had heard no sounds for the last couple of hours. Stefan had gone to bed at midnight and it was time to make her move. She quietly slipped out from under the duvet. She was dressed in jeans, jumper and trainers. All her other clothes she would be leaving behind as she couldn’t carry a suitcase through the window.